Paradise Valley, Heaven In Morocco

The Number 1 Day Trip From Taghazout

Non Surfing Options In Taghazout Area

If you are staying in Taghazout for a few days or even a week, you might have enough time to tear yourself away from the surfing and consider a couple of day trip options in the area. We highly recommend a day out at Paradise Valley (if still thinking surfing, then definitely check out our Immesouane day trips, the most amazing surf spot in the whole of Africa, no word of a lie:

Our Guest Favourite Day Trip Option From Taghazout

The most popular option with our guests is a day trip to Paradise valley. Paradise valley is a lush oasis in the heart of the mini Atlas mountains behind Aourir. The valley is made up of a series of of stunning rock pools and natural mini water slides carved out of the mountains through years of erosion. You only need to see the way the ‘oued’ floods when there is a rain storm to full understand the power (see epic waterfall video below).

We try and organise a trip up to Paradise valley once a week, we need a minimum of three people to organise the trip (just to cover costs) and it is just 200dhs per person (roughly £15). We aim to set off from our Taghazout surf camp at 10am in the morning, the drive takes about 45 minutes (it is quite windy once you get beyond Aourir), and then we park up at the edge of the national park. From here, we do a short 20 minute trek into the valley along a dirt path (if the weather is benign you can do this in flip flops, but if in doubt wear walking shoes or trainers).

Let’s Get Lunch Cooking!

Once we get in to the heart of the valley, our guides will chat with Brahim, the cafe owner at the edge of the rock pools, to prepare a few tajines for our guests. These lovely fresh tajines get chopped, prepped and cooked up whilst we go for a walk and swim in the pools, stewing nicely whilst we relax by the water. Once at the rock pools there are some jumps (we’d actually not recommend doing this as the water is not always that deep and there have been some injuries in the past). Instead we’d recommend doing the water slides, these are natural rock slides carved into the surface of the rock with a smooth surface coated in algae making the perfect slippery slope!

Having worked up our appetite in the water we head over to Brahim’s cafe and tuck in to our tajines and fresh orange juice. We’re not sure if it is just the setting or Brahim does something special with those tajines but they normally taste as good as any we’ve had in Morocco.

Argan Oil, A Natural Elixir!

On the way back, we stop by an Argan cooperative where they show us how to grind the argan fruit to create argan oil (Argan trees are the gnarly olive like trees only really found in Morocco). There’s a great team of ladies working there and they’ll show you how the various creams and ointments are made using the oil and mixed with various other local herbs, spices and plants (think saffron, lavender, turmeric and other exotic options!).

When Is The Best Time Of Year To Visit?

Depending on the time of year, Paradise Valley can be extremely popular with the locals and unfortunately with that comes real problems with littering. Unfortunately, it is a major problem and a big part of the problem is education. We are part of a local association that try and help do regular cleanups, but over the Summer months it is a very tough job to keep on top of.

Key Info:
Departure 10am from surf camp
Return: 4:30pm to surf camp

Cost:200dhs per person (min 3 people)

+ Transport
+ Guide to Paradise Valley
+ Lunch + bottle of water
+ Tour of Argan Cooperative

+ Suncream
+ Swimming trunks / bikinis / swimmers
+ Walking shoes / trainers
+ Hat / cap if hot

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